Ecocivilization: A Guide

Some Principles To Consider As We Create Ecocivilization

What might be some general guidelines for creating a new civilization, for judging both the rightness of existing practices and proposed changes?  Here is one attempt at it. 

Fewer, rather than ever more,

Smaller rather than ever larger,

Slower rather than ever faster

Lighter rather than ever heavier

Cooler rather than ever hotter

Shorter rather than ever longer

Simpler rather than ever more complex

Enough rather than never enough

Together rather than ever more apart

Quieter rather than ever noisier

Peaceful rather than ever more violent

Calmer rather than ever more frantic

Cleaner rather than ever more toxic

Conserving rather than ever more wasteful

Local rather than ever more global

Equitable rather than ever more stratified

Participatory rather than ever more hierarchical

Cautious rather than ever more reckless

Biodiverse rather than ever more extinctive

Kind rather than ever more cruel

Hopeful rather than ever more fearful